1·Monitor performance of staff.
2·Develop and maintain measures and metrics to monitor performance and ensure optimal customer services.
3·To optimize Monitor performance, you usually need to configure the Monitor and the message engine databases.
4·Researchers hope to soon begin testing of the ADAPWING technology in wind tunnels where they can control loads and monitor performance.
5·WPAR Manager also has the capability to monitor performance of workloads running in WPARs and relocate those workloads to different AIX systems to improve performance.
6·To monitor performance, the account produces performance reports and presents them to the appropriate managers who are responsible for implementing the various decisions.
7·This article will discuss in detail each of those components and give some practical and useful tips on how to actively monitor database engine performance and how to be more proactive in tuning.
8·As discussed in system performance, monitor disk activity, CPU and memory usage to determine whether the disk subsystems, processing speed or paging are limiting performance.
9·Someone on the team quickly hacks in a "monitor" that slows performance a bit but keeps the user informed about how much time remains for a long-running computation.
10·Also included is an app configuration tool for dealing with framework versioning issues, a remote performance monitor and heap viewer, and a network log viewer.